Archive for the 'Commercial' Category

No more forget to pay bill thru auto debit service – Krung Thai Bank Commercial

Thursday, January 4th, 2007

Remember to pay bill.
If you are busy try to use the bank auto debit service to pay off your bill.
With the auto debit service, you don’t need to line up and waste your time.
Just look for the bank and signup with their auto debit service,
yes there might have a small amount of charges but
hey! that small amount of money will save you a lot of time and hassle.

I bet you don’t wish to end up with this situation below!

auto debit, pay bill, bank service, auto debit service, pay bill online auto debit, pay bill, bank service, auto debit service, pay bill online

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Do it before you get married or else you will regret!

Sunday, December 17th, 2006

Remember, verify before you get married or else you will regret like this man.
How can you accept you just married a man when you suppose to married a women!
i really pitty this guy :p

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Volkswagen VW Polo, Small but tough – TV Commercial

Tuesday, December 12th, 2006

As the petrol price hike few times in a year, many people try to switching their car from big to small car to reduce the petrol consumption. This happen especially in Europe countries.

Right at the petrol hike time, Volkswagen launch it’s WV Polo, I’m not really sure how’s it’s response but i think it’s should get some good response from the public. Sometimes small doesn’t mean not good, as long as it’s tough it’s a good car. This is what Volkswagen trying to bring out to the public: Polo, Small but tough!

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You don’t believe it, take a look at the Volkswagen Polo TV Commercial here:-
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